Mailbox Monday 2-17-14

mailbox mondayMailbox Monday is a great place to take a peek at other peoples loot without breaking into their homes!!  It’s a central place where book lovers can link their posts on what they received from the mailman (or UPS, or Fed Ex…) this week.  Stop by the host of Mailbox Monday and link up, if you like, or just drool over what other bloggers were lucky enough to nab.  I have to warn you though,  you’ll want to add these titles to your “I HAVE to read that” list!

This week was a good book week for me.  Here is what I scored:


A Lifetime to Die by P.S. Meronek

The Isolation Door by Anish Majumdar

Evening Stars by Susan Mallery

Poison Town by Creston Mapes

To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris   (isn’t this one totally different!  I’m most excited about this one this week!)

The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff, M.D.

So in other words, this week I received books about the Russian mob, schizophrenia, complicated sister relationships, a cancer causing chemical leakage,  a stolen identity, and a self-help book to make your diet more effective..  Now really,  what more does a girl need?  🙂

20 responses to “Mailbox Monday 2-17-14

  1. I think EveningsStars is the one I’d most enjoy, but I hope you like them all. Happy reading!

  2. What a great stash! Looks like you’re set with all those diverse titles.

  3. All new books to me. Hope you enjoy them!
    Book Dilettante

  4. Oh, I bet the new Ferris book is terrific!

  5. Looks like you have some good reads.

  6. I’m curious about these, especially To Rise Again at a Decent Hour. Enjoy! And thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. I have Evening Stars waiting for review too

    My Mailbox Monday

  8. I got the new Ferris book too!

  9. Looks like you have some good reading ahead. Enjoy!

  10. AWESOME mailbox…ENJOY all your books.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. Oh wow. Great books! I love the colour of the Susan Mallery cover – it would make a gorgeous nail polish!

  12. Some really good authors in that bunch, and some that are new to me!

  13. Nice variety, you’ve got something for every mood!

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